Canada is still excited to invite immigrants under the category of the skilled workforce

Canada is still excited to invite immigrants under the category of the skilled workforce

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada and have been worried about the status of immigration programs for the country, rest assured that Canada is all excited to invite a skilled workforce to the country sooner! 

Sean Fraser, the Minister of immigration, said that Canada is all geared up to meet the objective of 401,000 immigrants this year. Mr. Fraser said that they might even increase the target by 411,000 for the coming year due to the labor workforce shortage. 

The Canadian Government has always had pleasant and immigration-friendly laws for Indians, and owing to this there are many Indians-almost hundreds and thousands of them-- working in Canada. The increase in the influx of immigrants is subject to the job requirement that businesses and other potential employers in Canada have. 

By coming February, the new immigration targets will be set and presented in the parliament, Mr.Fraser said. 

Canada heavily depends on international workers to drive its workforce and economy, which has seen an unprecedented surge in the past decade. 

The native population of Canada is significant while considering immigration because native Canadians are both aging and the fertility rates are very low. However, there has been a surge in infertility rates in the country when compared to earlier times. Foreign workers helped Canada to mitigate wage pressure at a time when there was inflation. 

When borders were closed owing to the Global pandemic, Canada strove hard. It converted the existing student and workforce population in Canada into Permanent Residents showing them a way to Citizenship. There are at least 1 million people in Canada who do not have an immigrant or a permanent resident status, and Canada is all set to make them Canadian Citizens soon. 

So, suppose you think you have commendable skills to immigrate to Canada but are stuck with the immigration jargon. In that case, you can migrate to Canada seamlessly by collaborating with VisaMint Overseas Services. We do everything that helps you land in Canada sooner. Talk to us or write to our Canadian immigration experts, and they will start processing your case almost instantly.  

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