Canada isn’t going to rest until it sees you land there!

Canada isn’t going to rest until it sees you land there!

If you have the skills and the gut intuition that you can land in Canada with a Permanent Residency, this is the most auspicious time for you. 

September 2021 saw a whopping 45,000 immigrants to Canada. This news is confirmed by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Canada. You could be the lucky one only if you could expedite the process by buddying up with VisaMint Overseas Services, which will present to you all the ways of landing in Canada at the earliest. 

There is no stopping Canada, a thriving economy, which always looks forward to mutually beneficial relationships. Come to Canada and contribute to its economy, and Canada will rewrite your destiny in compelling ways. 

Since Canada has already set a target of inviting 401,000 new immigrants in 2021, the number of invitations will remain the same in the coming months. 

This number seems to be staggering and historical. Although a number like this happened in 1913, when 401,000 immigrants were welcomed to Canada, according to eminent Historian Robert Vineberg. During May and September, an average of 65,000 immigrants per month landed in Canada. As they say, History repeats and 2021 is seeing similar trends. 

Owing to the Global Pandemic, Canada could not reach its target of 3, 41,000 immigrants in 2020. Canada invited just 1 84,000 new immigrants in 2020. So, the situation seems to be pretty conducive now. 

There is a subtle understanding that needs to be exercised here. Landing in Canada as a permanent resident happens if you are already enjoying a legal working status there. This happens when a citizen from another nationality comes to Canada on a work permit. 

You need to understand this because Canada is currently focusing on giving PRs to skilled professionals already present in Canada under the aegis of a Work Permit. 

Canada has seen the lowest increase in the population (just 0.5%), although transitioning immigrants to permanent residents. So, the last two months would also see the landing of 45,000 new immigrants each month. Canada is focusing on improving its population count, and immigration of foreign nationals seems to be the most workable idea amongst all. 

In June 2021, Canada had lifted all travel restrictions on Permanent Residents. This enabled them to enter Canada and complete their immigration-related processes. Canada has also lifted its ban on flights from India, an abundant repository of skilled personnel. 

As mentioned earlier, Canada would see 45,000 new immigrants landing during November and December. If you want to understand the process and explore possible landing ways in Canada. Contact VisaMint Overseas Services &  talk to our Immigration Experts or book a Consultation call with our ICCRC Agent’s right away! 

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