Are you skilled in a trade? If so, you can land in Canada in no time

Are you skilled in a trade? If so, you can land in Canada in no time

Canada is a thriving economy with a very less population. So, if you consider yourself skilled in any specific skill, you can land in Canada in no time. 

Canada is a land of opportunities and welcomes skilled professionals with open hands. 

If you are skilled and have an employment offer from an authentic employer in Canada, you can easily move to the country without hassles. 

You might not know how to knock at the right door for meaningful employment in Canada because you are not aware of the right portals and personnel, which will make your job search and landing in Canada easier. 

Here is the list of a few significant employers in Canada who might be in dire need of your skill:

  1. The domain of financial services: If you have a penchant for financial services and are looking forward to working in prestigious companies like the Scotia Bank, a certification in the Canadian Securities course might come in handy. 
  2. A compelling career in IT in Canada: A career in Information Technology (IT) is the most sought-after anywhere and everywhere, even more so in Canada. If you are well versed in areas such as DevOps, Project Management, Cloud Computing, and Quality Assurance, then rest assured you will undoubtedly have a thriving career in Canada; it goes unsaid. There are both part-time and full-time employment opportunities in Canada for you in the IT sector. 
  3. The healthcare sector: Skilled healthcare professionals are the need of the hour. Any country needs dexterous healthcare professionals to keep its people hale and healthy. If you are a professional healthcare giver with laudable skills, then Canada is your Mecca. Suppose you have a degree in Healthcare from Canada that comes as a bonus. You can find good employment opportunities in this sector if you carefully run through the positions mentioned on Canada’s Health Sector Job Board.  
  4. Trades workers: By 2028, 700,000 trades workers in Canada will have retired. Canada currently is in dire need of at least 60,000 Trades workers. Trades workers in Canada require assessment by an authorizing body. A specific governing body authorizes each province for a specific trade. You need to do a bit of a detailed search on which province you would like to apply for and for which trade. Your skills will be assessed differently. To know more and explore opportunities, you must click on this link. 

Truck drivers and logistics professionals: Dispatchers and truck drivers are always in demand. The challenges they face are insurmountable, so the demand for hiring such inimitably skilled professionals is high. You may want to look at the following sites to know if there are any meaningful employment opportunities available in the place. Transportation Safety Board of Canada Canadian Transportation Agency 

You can avail of the services provided by the employment/settlement agencies in Canada to help you with meaningful employment in Sync with your employment and skill set. These agencies that the government funds provide services that help accentuate your case and expedite your employment process. Expect the following services from these organizations:

  • Resume assistance and review services
  • Language assessment and classes
  • Job search assistance
  • Interview practice (mock interviews conducted by experts)

It has been posited by the World Educational Services (WES) that these employment services facilitate the processes of the job seekers, and almost 77.3% of people who availed of these series procured meaningful employment in Canada. 

To aim at a specific job in Canada effectively, you need to indulge in the following things:

  1. Come up with a highly targeted resume: Canadian employers look for a relevant resume. It means do not mention in your resume things that your potential employer is not looking for. Mention clearly how relevant your experience is for the stated position. 
  2. Avail of the bridging programs to fill in the gaps: There might be a specific position in which you are 90% experienced but lack 10% of the skills needed to procure the job. These bridging programs conducted by highly experienced international trainers will help you plug in the deficiency and be thoroughly ready for the job. You might just do a quick Google search using words like Canadian Province (name it specifically, say Quebec or Manitoba) and the bridging programs that are being offered there. 
  3. You need to assess your academic credentials: Your Indian degree might be equivalent, lesser, or more than the Canadian degree. For this, you need to get your academic credentials evaluated by the WES, Canada. You will then know whether you are suitable for the job or not. This will also help you know more about the bridging course that you need to obtain to move ahead with your dream of settling down in Canada. 

All the processes mentioned above are easy; nevertheless, they are time-consuming and demand complete attention, failure of which will postpone your dream of landing in Canada by a few months or years. You never want such a thing to happen, do you? 

Hence, team up with VisaMint Overseas Services to explore all the job opportunities available for you in Canada. Our Canadian immigration experts will help you know everything that you must know and help you with the documentation process and necessary communication that you need to undertake via emails, resume, covering letter, mock interviews, and other training that assure a maximum possibility of migrating to Canada. 

Our experts will help you walk confidently without faltering at any juncture. Since Canadian Immigration is our forte, you can rest assured by buddying up with us. Until you land in Canada, we are not comfortable! 

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