Educated Indians have a plethora of plum career opportunities abroad!

Educated Indians have a plethora of plum career opportunities abroad!

Indian families emphasize the importance of childhood, which has been the trend from times immemorial. There are hardly any families in our country who deny the importance of Education. The impetus on Education is inherent to Indians, and owing to this, and there is a surge in the quality of education offered. This has been observed and appreciated by other countries. Many countries, even countries like Finland and Canada, have an acute shortage of skilled professionals. Not only this, the population of these countries is pretty low, making them seek Indian employees who are experienced and are willing to contribute to their economy. 

There are other characteristics of Indians that make them employer-friendly. 

  1. Indians are hardworking and committed
  2. They have plausible acumen that makes them understand the nature of the job quickly
  3. They don't mind working for long hours for a humble salary 
  4. They don't mind renouncing their weekend to complete an assignment

Besides this, Indians speak good English, making them the right pick for any plum job opportunity abroad. These are just two names, and there are many! Icons like Parag Agarwal and Sundar Pichai stand as towering pieces of evidence for India's Intelligent Quotient. 

It has been reported by Major Immigration news journals that a total of 8,81,254 Indians have given up their citizenship since 2015, the Ministry of Home Affairs informed the Lok Sabha last week.

The data released by the government in Parliament make for interesting reading. As many as 1,31,489 Indians renounced their citizenship in 2015. In 2016, the number was 1,41,603, which is 2017, stood at over 1,33,049.

In 2018, the number of such `unpatriotic' Indians – no longer keen to hold on to their Indian passports - stood at 1,34,561. In 2019, the number rose to 1,44,017, resting at a sedate 85,242 in 2020.

Until September 2021, as many as 1,11,287 Indians have renounced their citizenship.

The figures mentioned above on the official website are intriguing. However, the reasons for migrating to another country are apparent—the skills play a significant role in Indians' eventual settlement abroad. 

Not that Indians are any less patriotic, but the opportunities available in the country are meager. On top of it, it takes years for an Indian to become wealthier owing to their skill set compared to earnings in a foreign country. The drastic lifestyle change is also one of the reasons for immigrating. 

These are the words said by Prof Amarjiva Lochan, Deputy Dean, International Relations, University of Delhi: "There are several factors. Countries like Singapore have opened the doors for Indians. On payment of one million dollars, you can get residency there, no questions asked. In addition, there are Scandinavian countries, which have eased immigration rules, making it easy for Indians to move there. Above all, Indian IT `coolies are heavily in demand in the US."

Notes Inter Nations, a Munich-based global social networking site for expat communities: "Indian expats are happier with their working hours and live-in countries where new concepts of work play a more important role than back home in India. Indians enjoy better working hours and a better work-life balance abroad."

What is happening? According to the Expat Insider 2021 survey by InterNations, 59 percent of Indians working abroad relocated for their career — a much higher share than the global average, which is 47 percent. Close to one-quarter (23 percent) found a job independently, 19 percent were recruited internationally, and their employer sent 14 percent. Just three percent moved abroad to start their own business, which is still a slightly higher share than the global average of 2 percent.

Indian expats working abroad average 38.7 years, about four years younger than the global average of 43.1. They are also more likely to work full time (93 percent) than the worldwide average (82 percent). The gender split among them is uneven: 81 percent are men vs. 53 percent globally, while just 19 percent are women (46 percent globally).

Indians working abroad are well educated: close to nine in ten either have a bachelor's degree (35 percent vs. 33 percent globally) or a postgraduate/master's degree (54 percent vs. 47 percent globally).

Another six percent hold a Ph.D. as their highest level of Education—however, a slightly smaller share than the global average of eight percent.

India does not offer dual citizenship, so people seeking citizenship in other countries must give up their Indian passports. However, Indians who renounce citizenship can still apply for an Overseas Citizen of India (OCA) card, which benefits them from residing and even running a business in India.

Interestingly, the Indian government is not unduly bothered with this outflux, making the process of disowning Indian citizenship as simple as possible.

When asked if the government has simplified the process for Indians who want to renounce their citizenship and if that can be done online, Minister of Home Nityanand Rai said, "Citizenship of India may be renounced under provisions of Section 8 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 read with rule 23 of the Citizenship Rules, 2009." And yes, it is quickly done online.

For some Indian specialists, though, this migration is a case of losing the best Indian brains to foreign countries. S Irudaya Rajan, one of India's leading migration experts, believes that this trend will grow. "So-called experts come from foreign countries and hold so-called education festivals, in which they pick up the best talent available and whisk them away. While India is spending on teaching students (the IITs, IIMs, and other institutes), the foreigners find ways to wean them away," he said.

In his estimate, India tries to reverse the trend by offering citizenship to bright foreigners who are studying in India. "We have to look for creative ways to attract both foreign and Indian talent," says Rajan, who is also Chairman of The International Institute of Migration and Development, Kerala.

However, there are exciting options wherein you need not give up your Indian citizenship and still work in a foreign country of your choice. Visit VisaMint Overseas Services and speak to our immigration experts. Please stop by one of our branches, or call us, or you can even drop us a message! Whether business, employment, visit, or studies, VisaMint has solutions for all your yearnings.  

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