Fly to Canada and pursue Higher Education

Fly to Canada and pursue Higher Education

Canada is increasingly becoming the choicest destination for many students seeking higher education. Whether it is to gain insight into work processes or complete a full-fledged degree program, Canada is the ultimate choice. 

This blog will see why Canada is gaining prominence as an international hub for higher education. 

Canada offers world-class education. All the campuses run in state-of-the-art condition—fully equipped labs and prominent faculty members add to the aura of Canadian Education. The QS World University rankings have almost 26 Canadian Universities. The World University ranking has 32 Canadian Universities. 

Here are some of the most popular universities in Canada:  

·        University of Toronto

·        University of British Columbia

·        McGill University

·        University of Montreal

·        University of Alberta

·        University of Calgary

Since Canadian degrees are universally accepted, there is an assurance of security when you decide to study in Canada. Canada has a soft spot when it comes to international education. Many scholarships are given to international students oriented explicitly to medicine, science, technology, environmental studies, agriculture, telecommunications, and more.

When you become a student in one of the Universities in Canada, you will gain immense exposure to hands-on projects, which will add to your experience. If you show a little academic diligence, you will be highly appreciated in Canada. Many Universities offer bursaries for research work. 

As an international student in Canada, you will gain rich exposure to a multicultural society. Immigrants from across the world will leave you highly learned by all means. All this means a hike in your learning quotient, which is precious.

When it comes to safety and security, Canada ranks 10th as the safest nation globally. And it ranks first when it comes to Quality of life. 

Canada helps international students with security services like shuttles and escorts. The Universities also provide the students with security Apps to make them feel comfortable, especially the international students. 

Health and security are the primary things that the Governments cater to the International students. These things are easily accessible to international students. 

International students have a chance to earn while studying. As an international student, you can work around 20 hours a week. And during vacations, you can work full-time. As an international student, you don’t require a work permit. All you need to have is an International Student Visa. 

For students specializing in technical fields, getting employment is easier. 

Universities in Canada have a very vibrant ambiance, and International students have many activities to participate in. There are many student clubs and festivals that will keep you in a joyous state all the time.

The most important thing you need to know is that Canada offers a Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PWPP) that lets students stay in Canada doing a job for three years after completing their studies. This provides a secure job and harbingers permanent residency and eventual citizenship. 

To know more about the educational programs offered in Canada, approach VisaMint Overseas Services and talk to one of our expert Canadian Immigration experts, and have all your queries clarified. You may call us to know the possible time, or you may even drop us a message, and we will get back to you at the earliest. 


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